TST Boston

TST Boston logo


We are a proud chapter of The Satanic Temple operating in Greater Boston.


Are you guys devil worshipers?

No. We are non-theists who revere Satan as a fictional character representing the pursuit of truth, and rebellion from arbitrary authority. The symbolic Satan as portrayed in France’s Revolt of the Angels and Milton’s Paradise Lost are more appropriate for our deeply held beliefs.

Do you guys hate Christians?

No. We are first and foremost a religious organization, and we fight to defend our shared freedom of religion in the United States. Hating Christianity is not productive nor does it work to resolve the underlying issues of religious freedom and plurality.

Where can I visit the Boston Chapter?

TST Boston does not have a physical location. You can visit the Salem Art Gallery, located in Salem, MA. For TST Boston public events, please follow our social media accounts for the location.

I have a school project coming up and want to interview you! How do I do that?

All information about The Satanic Temple is readily available on the main TST website. If you are looking for testimonials or to hear the story of TST, we recommend the documentary “Hail Satan?” which is now available on many streaming platforms and can be purchased online as well. In addition, many interviews and podcasts feature prominent voices within TST along with many interviews with our Co Founder and Spokesperson Lucien Greaves. While we appreciate that we are interesting to many, we are also a serious religious group. We do not want to be “humanized” for popular culture consumption.

Have you seen the latest article on … or this campaign … here? What is TST planning to do about it?

The Satanic Temple is a religious group that will partake in social justice campaigns when necessary and when relevant. TST cannot, and will not, be a catch-all for major sociopolitical issues. While many members are independently involved in social justice work, a Satanic religious group may not be the best ally for many reasons. It is also impossible for TST to have involvement in many causes as we are entirely volunteer run, and our members also have jobs and families. Perhaps as time progresses and TST can establish a better foothold in the public sphere this may change, but for now we ask for understanding that TST cannot tackle every cause.

I just watched the Hail Satan? Documentary and really want to get involved!! How can I join the chapter?

While we are just as excited as anyone for the documentary to tell the story of The Satanic Temple, joining a chapter is much more work. We require that our chapter members identify as Satanist, or have done their research beyond simply watching a documentary. One does not watch a Wrestling match and then decide to become a professional wrestler the next day! To join a chapter means that you are willing to assume the risks involved with being a Satanist- and we expect our chapter members to devote time and effort to local and national goals and objectives. If you feel that you have done your research and are willing to accept a role within the organization, you can find our chapter membership application below.

Get Involved

Does your zip code start with a zero? Are you ready to invest time and energy to ensuring plurality and have some fun with like minded Satanists? Maybe you should join the Boston Chapter of the Satanic Temple! Fill out this form and we’ll get back to you. Our Greater Boston Satanic Community group on Facebook can be found here and we request that the answers be completed or the moderators may decline the request.

Get In Touch

Send us a message at tstbostonchapter@gmail.com or on social media.